​"I'm Glad We're Friends" by Thank You, I’m Sorry is NOW OUT!

Posted on August 21st, 2020

"I'm Glad We're Friends" by Thank You, I’m Sorry is NOW OUT! Listen on your favorite streaming medium here:

CYLS Webstore: https://buff.ly/3gW9h8b

Bandcamp: https://buff.ly/3gnSKta

Apple Music: https://buff.ly/3fjkRcn

Spotify: https://buff.ly/3hcrEWW

Soundcloud: https://buff.ly/3aL4Jj9

Tidal: https://buff.ly/2E3Gwc4

Pick it up here: https://buff.ly/3gW9h8b All pre-orders have been shipped! Yayyyyy!!!!

Listen to Follow Unfollow from Thank You, I'm Sorry now! New Activity Book page!

Posted on August 18th, 2020

Today, you can listen to new Thank You, I’m Sorry single "Follow Unfollow" on all of the major streaming places! "I'm Glad We're Friends" comes out THIS FRIDAY!

Spotify: https://buff.ly/2YatYpU

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/im-glad-were-frie...

Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/album/151539942

Pre-order it here: http://countyourluckystars.limitedrun.com/roster/t...

In the meantime, we've got something for everyone to do! Thank You, I'm Sorry put together an activity book to bust the boredom of being at home. Check out a new connect the dots activity here: https://buff.ly/3aBoh9J

Expert Timing "Whichever, Whatever" is now out! Hear a new Thank You, I'm Sorry single "Backpack Life" from "I'm Glad We're Friends"!

Posted on July 31st, 2020

Today is another big day over here at CYLS!

You can now stream the entire Expert Timing EP, "Whichever, Whatever" EVERYWHERE:

Bandcamp: https://buff.ly/2PeS8uI
Apple Music: https://buff.ly/2EAejJz
Spotify: https://buff.ly/2XeBSOq
Soundcloud: https://buff.ly/39LQcTD
Amazon: https://buff.ly/3hSc5ng

Pre-Order the tape here: https://buff.ly/319JSl2

The tapes are a little delayed, but we are looking at getting them as soon as next week!

Have you listened to the new Thank You, I’m Sorry single, "Backpack Life" yet!!!!!!!?!?!

It's soooo goood!

Click on one of these places to listen:
Apple Music: https://buff.ly/3fjkRcn
Spotify: https://buff.ly/30g7sNI
Tidal: https://buff.ly/3fjldjd

Pre-Order the album here: https://buff.ly/3gW9h8b