Bottom Bracket joins CYLS!

Posted on May 21st, 2024

Incredibly excited to announced we signed Bottom Bracket. I first saw them when my band played a show with them on tour last year and it was one of those performances that mesmerizes you. I knew I wanted to sign them then and we were fortunate enough they agreed. New single soon!

In the meantime, here is a bio for you:

Forget wearing your heart on your sleeve, Chicago's Bottom Bracket displays it like a flag draped over their whole body. Vocalist/guitarist Mario Cannamela voice propels feelings out like arrows, each missile hurled by all spectrums of human emotion. Bright catchy riffs soar over a rhythm section maned by Tim Recio (bass/vocals) and Rob Diaz (drums) that can stop on a dime before it blasts off again. Bottom Bracket is going to need your full attention so you can feel everything, even if it hurts.

FFO: Motion City Soundtrack, Into It Over It, Hightide Hotel

Listen to their first LP on Rat King Records here: