Please read this teaser to drive you wild: WE ARE ANNOUNCING A NEW BAND NEXT WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK.
Gonna roll through some clues all next week and see if you can guess who it is!
It's Bandcamp Friday! We've made all of our digital releases pay what you want! You can also order pretty much any record from us via Bandcamp and today they don't take a cut of the profits! That means we get more money to keep the label going and more money gets to our bands as well! Win/win!
Get the new Camp Trash 'Downtiming+' cassette or repress of the EP on vinyl, grab Parting's 'Unmake Me' LP, the goalie's anxiety at the penalty kick's 'Ways of Hearing' LP, the Boyfriends and Kittyhawk discogs, Expert Timing's live album, or En Garde 'Debtors'. And that's just stuff that has come out THIS YEAR! We have over 100 releases to chose from, so find a new one too!